Love Your Guts
Website: https://loveyourguts.co/
Love Your Guts Co was born in the earthy kitchen of passionate foodie and health nut Caleb Robertson. Originally brewing and creating for his family, friends and clients at the natural health clinic where he worked, word soon got out and demand for his tasty and unique foods grew quickly. What started as a side hustle soon outgrew the kitchen and now three like-minded young entrepreneurs form the backbone of Love Your Guts – Caleb, his big brother Joh, and good mate Zac Fiddymont.
What hasn’t changed are the recipes and we are committed to only making the healthiest food that we feed our own families. Creating the best tasting and highest quality foods you can buy is just a start, our mission is to be the champions of the happiest, healthiest you and ultimately the world!
Love Your Guts Co kefir is the real deal. Made simply with pure Tasmanian spring water, fruit juice and organic kefir culture, it contains billions of good bacteria, is rich in nutrients and amino acids, and unlike some other fermented drinks it tastes refreshingly delicious.
Our nutritious sauerkraut range packs as much flavour as goodness. Inspired by locally grown produce, our Fennel & Native Pepper flavour has been an instant favourite. As equally tantalising to the taste buds is the life-of-the-party Beetroot and Ginger. With 50 shades of flavour the Radish & Turmeric Kimchi fires off the palate.